Sunday, November 28, 2010

Why I Love My Blog

Okay, to be fair, I've been sort of [completely] MIA from my blog. *But, not MIA from all of your blogs, just so you know! I've got a week and a half left of school so I've been studying away an writing papers along with finishing up my PhD application, etc. etc. We all have excuses.


When I started blogging/journaling I thought my favorite thing would be documentation; all of my mundane events and feelings would be documented in one, organized place for me to revisit. While that's always an option, I don't do it that often. My favorite thing about blogging is that it allows [forces] instant reflection. It's hard to be melodramatic, unrealistic, or unreasonable about things when you write them out. Quite often, I start writing my blog with some feeling driving the post [being mad about an injury, whining about school, whatever] but as I type it out, I instantly put things into perspective. I'm able to analyze what I wrote and judge whether or not these thoughts/feelings are reasonable once uttered. Sometimes, quite frankly, they're not. Sometimes, I have no business being all up on my high horse.

And just when I think I'm floating away into my own fantasy land where I'm always right and the world is out to get me and everything else woe is me, my blog snatches me up and body slams my ass, keeping me in constant check.

I love that.